Page 7 - February 7, 2021 KarmaLead Competencies
P. 7

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               Energize the team

                       “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing
                       that ever has.”

                                                                          Margaret Mead, Anthropologist, author

               The leader energizes the team by collaboratively setting common and shared goals, empowering the
               team to act on achieving these goals and regularly conducts team building activities to create synergies
               and a common bond.   Leaders that build high performing teams clearly communicate messages that
               motivate and inspire action and celebrate success. They build a learning organization that enables team
               members to realize their highest potential. Great teams have an environment where both individual
               respect and teamwork thrive.

                                                Key skills to Energize the Team

                       Teams are the fundamental building blocks of organizations and the primary way to accomplish
                       coordinated, integrated tasks. Team members need each other and work interdependently to
                       achieve common goals. Great teams require attention to purpose, tasks, relationships, and
                       processes. A skilled leader forms teams with appropriate and diverse mix of styles, perspectives,
                       and experience, establishes common objectives and a shared mindset, creates a feeling of
                       belonging and strong team morale, shares wins and rewards team efforts, fosters open dialogue
                       and collaboration among the team.

               DEVELOPS TALENT
                       Developing talent is fostering the learning and development of others through formal and or
                       informal coaching, motivating, managing performance, and/or mentoring to fulfil the current
                       and future skill requirements of individuals, their teams, and the organization. Skilled leaders
                       promote learning and growth, take action to increase others effectiveness, coaches, provides
                       learning opportunities, and addresses the competency needs of the organization. Leaders truly
                       are developers of others.
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