Page 5 - February 7, 2021 KarmaLead Competencies
P. 5

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               Build Enduring Relationships

                       Relationships are all there is. Everything in the universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else.
                       Nothing exists in isolation. We have to stop pretending we are individuals that can go it alone.”

                                                       Margarete Wheatley, Author of: “Leadership and the New Science” (2006)

               Leaders have the ability to establish strong, enduring, and inclusive relationships with clients,
               employees, teammates, and the community.  The quality of your relationships is founded on trust,
               openness, and honesty.  Leaders truly understand the impact of their personal behaviour on others and
               place a high priority on honesty and integrity.  Leaders treat their relationships with respect,
               authenticity, and care.

                                           Key skills in building Enduring Relationship

               INSTILLS TRUST
                       Trust lies at the heart of effective relationships. Whether in or out of the workplace, trust
                       generates feelings of goodwill. It enables successful collaboration and more productive
                       outcomes. When there’s trust, things go more smoothly. People pull together, relying on each
                       other to do their part. To build trust a skilled leader follows through on commitments, is seen as
                       direct and truthful, keeps confidences, practices what he/she preaches and shows consistency
                       between words and actions.

                       Leaders communicate to inform, sway, coach, and inspire. People at all levels share ideas, learn
                       from each other, and keep each other informed about problems, opportunities, progress, and
                       solutions. Effective communicators provide a clear message that is understood by everybody in
                       the audience. They are attentive listeners who are open to other’s ideas. They deliver a message
                       that is consistent but fine-tuned for a particular audience. It has just the right tone. The perfect
                       pacing. The best possible wording. The audience finds the message to be crisp. Relevant.
                       Impactful. Effective communication, whether written or verbal, enables you to convey your
                       vision, to point the way forward, and energize others to work together and pull in the same
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