Page 4 - February 7, 2021 KarmaLead Competencies
P. 4

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                       Leaders are learners.  Leaders who learn, grow, and change continuously across their careers are
                       the most successful.  The skills that got you to where you are today are unlikely to be enough in
                       the future. As a leader, you show personal commitment and act to personally improve.

               SELF CONFIDENCE
                       Self Confidence is a belief in one’s own capability to accomplish a task and select an effective
                       approach to a task or problem. This includes confidence in one’s ability in increasingly
                       challenging circumstances and confidence in one’s own decisions and opinions.  As Brené Brown
                       notes we must be prepared to “rumble with vulnerability.”
               ETHICS AND VALUES
                       As a leader we demonstrate a commitment to personal excellence, ethical behaviour and
                       integrity.  Naming and developing your core values and what you view as important will catalyze
                       your leadership by identifying your passion, talents, and interests.
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