Page 12 - February 7, 2021 KarmaLead Competencies
P. 12

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                       Great processes simplify work. They align jobs and systems to better serve clients and
                       streamline communication. They cut costs and increase efficiency. Processes touch everything
                       from simple job task planning to complex supply chain management. Streamlined processes
                       drive improvement in quality, client satisfaction, sales, and profitability. With a well-designed
                       process, performance is measured in results – not activity. The best processes are dynamic,
                       nimble and are able to flex with changing conditions. Skilled leaders identify and create
                       processes necessary to get work done and to separate and combine activities into efficient
                       workflow. They design processes and procedures that allow managing from a distance. They
                       seek ways to improve processes, from small tweaks to complete reengineering.

                       We are all constantly negotiating throughout our professional and personal lives. Organizations
                       have become less hierarchical, less based on positional authority, and less based on clear
                       boundaries of responsibility and authority.  As a result, conflict or at least differences will be an
                       even greater component of organizational life in the future.   Studies have shown that
                       negotiation skills are among the most significant determinants of career success.  Skilled leaders
                       can negotiate in tough situations with both internal and external stakeholders and can settle
                       differences with minimum noise. They can be both direct and forceful as well as diplomatic.
                       These leaders quickly gain the trust of the other parties to the negotiation.

               POLITICAL SAVVY
                       Organizations are made up of formal structures, policies, buildings, inventory, intellectual
                       property, and so forth. They may be logically planned and brilliantly orchestrated, but while
                       human beings are still at the core, things can get messy.  It is the human element that interjects
                       politics, emotion, uncertainty, intrigue, and conflict. Political savvy is the compass that guides
                       you swiftly and without mishap to your destination. Leaders who do this well understand the
                       difference between what the organization intends to be, versus the reality. Leaders are masters
                       at getting work done in an organizational setting.  Skilled leaders are sensitive to how people
                       and the organization functions and they anticipate land mines and plan the approach
                       accordingly. They deal comfortably with organizational politics and know who has power,
                       respect, and influence. They are able to steer through the organizational maze to get things
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