Page 6 - February 7, 2021 KarmaLead Competencies
P. 6

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                       The key to understanding others is listening. Listening means knowing what others have said
                       and meant to say and leaving people comfortable that they have had their say. Most people
                       know techniques of good listening: do not interrupt, able to paraphrase, and look for underlying
                       meaning, and accepting of other views. We all listen when we want to, however, the challenge
                       is listening when we do not want to. Truly understanding others builds trust, loyalty, and

                       Valuing differences creates a work environment where people can and want to do their best. As
                       the economy becomes increasingly global, our workforce has become more diverse. The typical
                       definition of diversity – race, ethnicity, culture – now includes amazing perspectives, styles and
                       thought. Innovation, teamwork, and the bottom line can be improved by truly valuing each
                       other. Leaders who value diversity, seek to understand different perspectives and cultures,
                       contribute to work climate where differences are valued and supported and are sensitive to
                       cultural norms, expectations, and ways of communicating.

               MANAGES CONFLICT
                       Conflict is a natural part of organizational life. Organizations are made up of diverse people with
                       differing opinions and competing interests, making conflict inevitable. There is conflict over
                       information, resources, opinions, territory, position. If it is important to someone it has the
                       potential to cause conflict. A skilled leader steps up to conflicts, seeing them as opportunities.
                       They work out tough agreements and settle disputes equitably. The leader facilitates
                       breakthroughs by integrating diverse views and finding common ground and acceptable
                       alternatives, settling differences in productive ways with minimum noise.
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