Stage 1: Form

In this stage, people are concerned with what other people are like, what the group will do, their role, and what will be required and expected of them.  People see themselves as individuals.  They begin to understand the groupu2019s assigned task.  The group is not a team, but a gathering of individuals brought together for a common purpose.


  • High expectations
  • Tentative and shy toward team members
  • Anxious and skeptical about the task ahead
  • Testing situation & central figures
  • Dependency on authority & hierarchy
  • Need to find a place & establish oneself

Team Concerns

  • What is the groupu2019s purpose?
  • What methods and procedures will be used?
  • What will be acceptable behaviours?
  • Does the group have the right members?
  • What will be expected of us?
  • How will we be judged?

Development ideas

  • Discuss the business context of the assignment
  • Review Team Charter
  • Write Team Mission Statement
  • Develop Code of Conduct
  • Introduce:
    • Stages of Team Development
    • Characteristics of high performing teams
  • Organize social time
  • Encourage open discussion of concerns
  • Use a team assessment questionnaire