Answer the questions again using the present tense. If the categories do not quite fit your needs, feel free to adjust them. It is your vision. Continue until you have a complete picture of your vision.
Self-image: If you could be exactly the kind of person you wish to be, what would you be like? What would your qualities be?
Tangibles: What material things would you like to own?
Home: Where is your ideal living environment?
Health: What is your desire for health, fitness, athletics, or anything to do with you physical self?
Relationships: What types of relationships would you like to have with friends, family, and others?
Work: What is your ideal professional or vocational situation? What impact would you like your efforts to make?
Personal pursuits: What would you like to create in the area of individual living, travel, reading, or other activities?
Community: What is your vision for the community or society where you live?
Other: What else would you like to create in other areas of your life?
Life purpose: Imagine that your life has a unique purpose – fulfilled through what you do, in your interrelationships and in the way you live. Describe your life purpose as another reflection of your aspirations.