Step 1: Creating your vision

Begin by finding a quiet space where you can reflect.  Take a moment to get grounded. To do this take a few deep breaths and release any tension as you exhale, so that you are relaxed, comfortable, and centred. 

Imagine achieving the outcome in your life that you deeply desire. What would the results look like? What would they feel like? What words would you use to describe  your vision?

Self-image: If you could be exactly the kind of person you wish to be, what would you be like? What would your qualities be?

Tangibles: What material things would you like to own?

Home: Where is your ideal living environment?

Health: What is your desire for health, fitness, athletics, or anything to do with your body?

Relationships: What types of relationships would you like to have with friends, family, and others?

Work: What is your ideal professional or vocational situation? What impact would you like your efforts to have?

Personal pursuits: What would you like to create in the area of individual living, travel, reading, or other activities?

Community: What is your vision for the community or society where you live?

Other: What else would you like to create in other areas of your life?

Life purpose: Imagine that your life has a unique purpose – fulfilled through what you do, in your interrelationships, and in the way you live. Describe your life purpose as another reflection of your aspirations.